• Friday, Sept. 22 from 3 to 6 PM Give your well-used things new life! Free mending and footwear workshops - both at Morgan Outdoors with our Hurleyville neighbor, Fiber on Main! Fiber on Main: Learn to mend your socks and sweaters! Bring a freshly washed item or two for mending help, one or two small holes no bigger than a quarter. We will have needles, yarn and scissors and will help you get going on simple repairs. RSVP: Call Rachel at 845-693-1673 or email [email protected] and tell her about your mending project. Morgan Outdoors: Bring boots and shoes that need cleaning and waterproofing. We’ll provide our favorite footwear care products, you provide your elbow grease to get them cleaned up and ready for fall/winter! They'll look spiffy too. No RSVP needed.

Mend & Waterproof – Friday, Sept 22

By |September 21st, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Mend & Waterproof – Friday, Sept 22

Radio Broadcast of Kudish Bog Event

On August 12, 19, and 26, WJFF Radio Catskill will broadcast segments of the program with Dr. Michael Kudish titled “Catskills Bogs and Fens” that took place on May 21, 2023 at SUNY Sullivan (indoor presentation) and Flying Trillium Preserve (field trip).

The broadcast schedule will be:

Saturday, August 12, 10 AM, Farm & Country […]

By |August 1st, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Radio Broadcast of Kudish Bog Event

August 12, 10 AM – Children’s Story Time

Saturday, August 12 at 10:00 AM

We are so happy to host Helena Clare Pittman for readings on the Second Saturdays of July and August!

August 12, Helena will read her story “Once When I Was Scared”, about the magical journey of a young boy named Daniel, whose mother has sent him on an errand […]

By |July 3rd, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on August 12, 10 AM – Children’s Story Time
  • LIBERTY, NY — The Walnut Mountain House was built in 1887 at the top of Walnut Mountain. Standing five stories high, it provided a broad view of the town of Liberty below and its foundation can still be seen at the summit. The land was purchased by the Town of Liberty in the 1960s and developed into a park. There is a project underway to add an interpretive sign at the foundation site to honor this piece of Liberty history. In an effort to gather more information about the Mountain House’s history, a search has begun to locate photos that show people who worked there or reveal more about the hotel’s last days. Anyone with a family history connected to the Walnut Mountain House, or with unusual photos is asked to participate in sharing that knowledge. To kick this off, there will be two public sessions at the Liberty Library, 189 N. Main Street: Tuesday June 20 and Thursday June 29 from 5:00 to 6:30 PM. Volunteers, working with the Town of Liberty, will be available to gather these details and scan unusual photographs. To minimize waiting time, persons interested in participating should contact volunteers Ruth Huggler at 845 482 5136 or email [email protected] or Lisa Lyons at [email protected] to schedule a convenient time. Those not able to attend a session are encouraged to contact one of the volunteers to arrange an alternative. This is a great opportunity to help solve a few mysteries and be part of a community effort.

Looking for unusual photos of Walnut Mountain House, Liberty NY

This private family photo of the Walnut Mountain House has only one person identified—William Gerow, a carpenter from Liberty known to have worked on building the hotel.

By |June 15th, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Looking for unusual photos of Walnut Mountain House, Liberty NY

Bog Walk & Talk May 21 UPDATED


You are Invited to a Bog Talk & Walk

with Dr. Michael Kudish

Sunday, May 21

11:00 AM to 12:15 PM: Dr. Michael Kudish’s talk on Catskill bogs and fens – Program details below.


By |May 1st, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Bog Walk & Talk May 21 UPDATED

Strawberry Knotweed Crisp

Spring recipe for turning an invasive plant into a tasty treat!

Young Japanese knotweed 14″ tall

Strawberry Knotweed Crisp

Japanese knotweed has a rhubarb-like consistency and a tangy flavor. Knotweed’s bamboo-like shoots are a good substitute for rhubarb in this recipe. Early spring is the time to harvest and eat it when the shoots are still young […]

By |April 23rd, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Strawberry Knotweed Crisp

Topo Map workshop March 16

Topo map-reading skills help you understand trail maps!

Thursday, March 16, 2023, at 5:30 PM, you’re invited to our monthly “Sit around the Map Table” gathering! If your map-reading skills are rusty or you “don’t know how but would like to learn”, this relaxed session is for you.

Reading topo maps is an old-school skill that […]

By |March 7th, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Topo Map workshop March 16
  • We have the latest version of NY-NJ Trail Conference Catskill Trails Map - 13th edition, 2023. 6-map Set. Printed in vibrant color on waterproof and tear-resistant Tyvek. Covering more than 420 miles of trails & 325,000 acres of protected land. Come and Get 'em!

New 2023 Catskill Park trail maps

By |February 23rd, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on New 2023 Catskill Park trail maps
  • PRESIDENTS WEEKEND 3-DAY SALE Saturday, Feb 18 – Monday, Feb 20: We’ve hosted a big President’s Weekend Sale for 17 years and the tradition continues!! Here are some of the SALE Specials! Up to 60% off all shirts, vests, pants, jackets (including OR down jackets) on Sale Rack 60% off ALL children’s Sorel and Keen winter boots (grab next year’s size) 50% off everything on the front Book Table 50% off ALL children’s books (including coloring books) an extra 20% off Merrell, Sorel, Keen men’s and women’s winter boots are now on Sale! 25% off cozy Acorn and Sorel slippers 5 and $10 baskets of socks 25% off MSR stoves and Luci solar lights It could be a great time to stop by to say hello and enjoy the good vibes! Maybe drop in on our neighbors at the Hurleyville General Store for freshly baked cookies, coffee, lattes, and cold drinks. It’s a cozy place to sit and relax. Ask us for more recommendations on things to see and do while you’re in Hurleyville!

Presidents’ Weekend SALE

By |February 17th, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Presidents’ Weekend SALE
  • VALENTINE’S OUTING Tuesday, February 14, 4:00 – 5:00 pm: Enjoy a relaxing, fresh air hike at Walnut Mountain Park in Liberty. It’s good for your heart and your soul! We’ll follow a moderate, uphill red-shale carriage road to a scenic view and the foundation of the Walnut Mountain House, circa 1887. Approx. 1.5 miles round trip. The well-loved trail has been icy, so traction on footwear is encouraged. Hike leader is Lisa Lyons of Morgan Outdoors. REGISTER by calling Lisa at 845 693 4181. All registrants will receive an UPDATED TRAILCONDITIONS report, MEETING LOCATION, and a TRAIL MAP. Co-sponsored by Liberty Parks & Recreation and Morgan Outdoors.

Valentine’s Outing at Walnut Mountain

Mountain Overlook Trail, Walnut Mountain Park, Liberty, NY

By |February 10th, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Valentine’s Outing at Walnut Mountain