Looking for unusual photos of Walnut Mountain House, Liberty NY
This private family photo of the Walnut Mountain House has only one person identified—William Gerow, a carpenter from Liberty known to have worked on building the hotel.
This private family photo of the Walnut Mountain House has only one person identified—William Gerow, a carpenter from Liberty known to have worked on building the hotel.
You are Invited to a Bog Talk & Walk
with Dr. Michael Kudish
Sunday, May 21
11:00 AM to 12:15 PM: Dr. Michael Kudish’s talk on Catskill bogs and fens – Program details below.
Spring recipe for turning an invasive plant into a tasty treat!
Young Japanese knotweed 14″ tall
Strawberry Knotweed Crisp
Japanese knotweed has a rhubarb-like consistency and a tangy flavor. Knotweed’s bamboo-like shoots are a good substitute for rhubarb in this recipe. Early spring is the time to harvest and eat it when the shoots are still young […]
Topo map-reading skills help you understand trail maps!
Thursday, March 16, 2023, at 5:30 PM, you’re invited to our monthly “Sit around the Map Table” gathering! If your map-reading skills are rusty or you “don’t know how but would like to learn”, this relaxed session is for you.
Reading topo maps is an old-school skill that […]
Mountain Overlook Trail, Walnut Mountain Park, Liberty, NY
Join us for a day of fun!!
And enjoy a 10% discount on ALL Osprey Backpacks (children and adult sizes)
Books, and Cards at MORGAN OUTDOORS!!