Sunday, July 23rd at 1:00pm
You’re invited to a public presentation “Buried hides & the rise & fall of the hamlet of Beaverkill” at Morgan Outdoors, with Dr. Joyce Conroy, Town of Rockland Historian.
Sponsored by the Livingston Manor Library.
This short power-point presentation will tell the story of the Beaverkill Tannery, its history and demise, and the subsequent discovery of tanned hides buried in the ground for 120 years. The Beaverkill Covered Bridge was the site of this discovery in 2016, when the 1865 bridge underwent a complete renovation. The Tannery operated from the 1830’s to 1885 when it burned down. The bridge was built for the tannery in order to transport hides.
In 1865, this area supported three churches, a school, and a store where now the newly renovated Beaverkill Covered Bridge, one church, and the Beaverkill Campground remain.
RSVP to reserve your seat by calling us at 845 439 5507.
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