You’re invited to
the 4th annual New Year’s Outing
at Walnut Mountain, Liberty NY
Friday, January 1st from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm.
Choose the outing that fits your level:
– relaxed hike along wide graded carriage roads or
– intermediate hike that includes single-track mountain bike trails to the summit.
Participants receive a Walnut Mountain packet from the Liberty Parks & Recreation with a trail map and some great historical facts about Walnut Mountain, including its history as a ski slope.
MEET in Walnut Mountain’s large parking lot on West Lake Street, (at intersection of W. Lake Street and Eagle Drive) located between Rt. 52 and Rt. 55. There is a large wooden Park sign at the entrance.
Walnut Mountain is a 265-acre Town Park with over 12 miles of single-track mountain bike trails built by volunteers of the regionally-based Renegades Mountain Bike Club. This outing is a great opportunity to meet Renegades volunteers and learn more about their contribution to Liberty Parks & Recreation’s trail network.
REGISTRATION required. Call Morgan Outdoors (845) 439-5507 by December 31st and let us know what level you prefer!
Dress in layers with sturdy boots. Depending on trail conditions, ice grippers or snowshoes may be required.
Co-sponsored by Renegades Mountain Bike Club and Morgan Outdoors, with support from Liberty Parks & Recreation.
Cancellation: Outing will only be cancelled in extreme weather. Call 845-439-5507 for update if cancelled.
Directions and park details at
Friday, January 1st
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