Morgan Outdoors and the Livingston Manor Free Library are co-sponsoring the showing of the film


Saturday, November 24th
5:00 pm.

This fascinating 55 minute film won an Emmy for outstanding Programming.
Starring Joe Hutto, a nationally recognized naturalist and wildlife artist, and a brood of wild turkeys.

Joe is the author of Illumination in the Flatwoods, the book that inspired the film. “I was one of those kids who were obsessively drawn to other living things” he said.  My Life as a Turkey describes how Joe raised a brood of wild turkeys that imprinted on him as they hatched. He learned their language and was impressed by their instincts and native intelligence. The film shows turkeys from poults to adults, with beautiful nature scenes throughout.
There will be information about local birding and wildlife groups available.

Reservations required, as seating is limited.
Simply call 845-439-5507 or email to [email protected]