Children ages 7 to 10

are invited to Soar with the Eagles, an art workshop for children

hosted at Morgan Outdoors!

There are two sessions to choose from: Sunday July 14th 11:00 to 12:30 pm or Sunday July 21, 1:00 to 2:30 pm. Michele Hood, art teacher at Roscoe Central School, will lead the workshop.

Participants will learn about the lives of Bald Eagles in our backyard – their habitat, life cycle and fishing habits. Then they will use their hands and creative drawing skills to make an eagle using oil pastels. Their creations will become part of a gallery of artwork on display in the “Eagle in its Environs” exhibit at Morgan Outdoors.

Parents are asked to stay with their child for first 10 minutes and last 15 minutes. The registration fee of $5 per child covers the cost of materials.

Following the workshop, participants will be encouraged to use their “eagle eyes” to spot bald eagles seen in our area, both flying and nesting. Each participant will take home an “Eagle Sightings card to log in their sightings, and are encouraged to return to Morgan Outdoors to add their sighting on the regional map in the gallery.

Pre-registration required at Morgan Outdoors, Livingston Manor.  Stop by or call to complete form.  Minimum of 6 per class, maximum of 12 per class. Morgan Outdoors is located at 46 Main Street, Livingston Manor, NY., 845 439 5507.