Sunday, March 22, 2015 from 2:00 to 3:30 pm.

The public is invited to a Maple Weekend Tour* at the Catskill Mountain Sugar House

227 Glade Hill Road in Grahamsville, NY

Participants will meet at the Catskill Mountain Sugar House at 2:00pm, located on, to witness tree tapping and sap boiling at the site of Sullivan County’s only organic maple syrup producer.

The indoor tour will be followed by a short hike or snowshoe, depending on conditions around the farm’s mountaintop sugarbush nestled in the Catskill Mountains, with expansive views.

Reservations required by Sunday, March 22nd at 11:00 am – call (845) 439- 5507 or email to [email protected].

If trail conditions call for snowshoes, our special rental rate is just $5 per person for premium brand equipment.

Snowshoe reservations are available when you RSVP. Trail condition updates available on Saturday, March 21st.

Sponsored by, with experienced staff from partners: Lisa Lyons of Morgan Outdoors and Erin Burch of Catskill Mountainkeeper.

* Every spring, the New York State Maple Producers Association invites families from across the Empire State and neighboring areas into their “sugar houses” to learn all about the production of maple syrup and other related product.